Saturday 22 October 2011

Salt and pepper shakers.... some silly and some sensible

Whoever has the job of designing salt and pepper shakers must also have a license that says "anything goes"... from wacky to wonderful they come in all shapes and sizes. I love having them in the shop as they often bring out the child in us, a quirky feature that reminds some-one of a friend or relative or a style that brings back memories of a fun past experience.
With kids in the family who can resist a special "silly" set - also makes getting help for laying the table easier if the kids want to get the little cats or funny apples out!! And... in 20 years time they will walk into a shop like mine and remember their childhood family meals - good eh?
Now, I have also been told of another use for these salt and pepper pots, depending on the number and size of holes people have told me they use them for hat pin holders - wow creative!

Most of the sets are in the $20 range. Email me if you want more information
So here we go, with a gallery of the silly and the sensible...

Fat yellow cats with a romance problem
 9cms tall and 6cms across base
Holes 1x2 and 1 x3 at back of head

Tall slender ribbed silver plate 
Marked on base BP 79 Canada EP lead
 16cms tall and 4.5 across base 
Holes 2 x 6 on screw on lids

Little pink terracotta style teddy bears
6cms tall longest 7.5cms across
Holes 1x2 1x3 in top of head

Green pottery basket weave top and wooden base 
8.5cms at 4cms across base 
Holes 1x1 1x5 on top

A carrot pepper pot and a pea salt pot set
11cms x 4cms across base
Holes 1 x 1 1x 7 on top of pea and reverse side of carrot


Royal Worcester (not marked) made in England on plastic stoppers
7.5 cms tall and 4.5 across base
Hole 1x1, 1x5 on top

Green headed "squash" or some kind of other green vegetable men
6cms tall and 3.5 across base
Hole 1x 2 1x3 on top of head

Siamese cats set
the Tall
13cms x 4cms 
 the Small
10cms x 3.5
Holes 1x2 1x3 top of head

Oh no... it's two sets but ... I got this wrong in the photos the small are the pepper and the large are the salt!!
Of course.

Purple cow set
7cms across x 7cms tall
Holes 1x2 1x3 top of head

Crystal set 
Interesting solid pedestal bases, glass lids 
6.5cms tall and 3.5cms across base 
Holes 1x1, 1x13 on lids

Blue cows set
Danmark printed on both
7.5cms tall 4.5cms across base
Holes 1x2 1x3 on top of heads

Carlton Ware Apple Blossom set on stand

A couple of friendly cooks set
Wooden handles
Stands 9.5cms tall and 6cms along base
Holes 1x1, 1x 6 on top of heads

Big round lovely deep blue set
Marked B M on base
7.5cms tall and 7.5cms across
Holes 1x1, 1x2 on top

Lovely pink apples set with leaf on top
Marked Japan
6cms tall and 6cms across
Holes 1x3, 1x5 on top
And... red rosy apples
Made in Portugal sticker on base
5.5cms tall 5.5cms across
Holes 1x1, 1x3 on top centre

Purple matt painted ducks
9.5cms tall and 7cms across
Holes 2x3 on front base of neck

Whales set
Made in Japan on base
11.5cms long and base to tail 6cms tall
Holes 1x2, 1x3 on top of head

Timaru Souvenir ware
Salt and pepper shakers
5cms tall
Blue houses
Hand painted Delfts blue on base
Blue house on front and S P on back
stands 8.5cms tall and 3.5cms across base
Holes 1x2, 1x3 on chimney

Yes, I know there are more silly than sensible, I'll find some more and add them later! Keep watching!

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